Devon Rex Kittens
We ask all potential homes to read the following pages/pieces of information from our website before inquiring about a kitten;
- About Devon Rex
- FAQ Page
- Our Contract ( Found on the FAQ Page)
- Our Deposit Process ( Found below)
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to see how we do our deposits.....
We currently have ONE female kitten that will be available soon.
She is a Seal Point Calico. Typical Tortitude, feisty little goober who likes to bug all the adults. She did have an abscess on her tail as a young kitten. We assume she got it caught while getting into things she shouldn't have. It has healed, but there is some scarring around the base of her tail which makes her fur grow in a little patchy there. It is strictly cosmetic and doesn't bother her in any way. I just want to be upfront and honest about any issues that I catch. She is the last litter born from Mugatu.
We are finally coming out of our long hiatus. If you have followed us on Facebook, you may remember this whole move was meant to be done March 2023 and had slowed down prior to moving to prepare for the move. Just, life had other plans. We did not plan for this long of a break in breeding and apologize to all of those who have been patiently waiting for new litters.
Most of our females are going on 1.5-2 years since their last litter. To prevent another incident like we had with Zhanna, we are now expecting a few more litters than we normally would like to at one time. They are all Jack babies.
This group will be ready for around end of November - Early January.
Friendly reminder, we will not place kittens into their new homes during the Holidays. Kittens are NOT Christmas Presents.
For my East Coast Families... flights are super cheap for that time of year and we have a few planned visits to the East. If someone on the east is interested in a kitten, accommodations can be made!
We will eventually get back to this system of deposits after we get fully settled in Alberta.
Step 1) Read, Review, Discuss
During the week waiting period after the kittens are posted, please read over the following pages to ensure we are the breeder for you;
"Our Contract" (found in the FAQ page)